


Diseases like cancer often cause debilitating complications to a patient’s health that can become life-threatening. 通过早期筛查, 这些疾病通常可以及早发现和治疗, 减少它们对身体的影响. 美国肺脏协会的研究支持这一假设. Findings show that annual scans using computer tomography (CT) machines can help reduce deaths caused by lung cancer by up to 20% in high-risk patients.

The use of powerful imaging machines for diagnosis and treatment can make a decisive impact on a patient’s health — but these technologies require personnel with specialized knowledge to operate them safely and effectively. Those who wish to pursue this career path should consider how to become a radiology tech and the benefits a 放射技师培训计划 可以提供.


放射技术,也叫 放射学技术 or radiographers, are responsible for operating and performing medical imaging services for patients. 医疗保健 experts use imaging services to visualize internal parts of the body for diagnostic purposes, such as checking the damage to bones and organs caused by an illness or accident. 一些成像技术用于创建:

  • x射线
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描
  • 磁共振(MRI)扫描

虽然许多这些技术使用辐射作为其成像的一部分, 它们的使用通常危害或侵入性要小得多, 使它们成为诊断过程的一个关键方面. 确保不受这些机器发出的有限辐射的影响, radiology techs are also responsible for effectively explaining the procedure to patients and answering questions, 手术前检查是否脱下不合适的衣服或首饰, 并提供保护外衣,如铅外套和围裙. 

而放射科技术人员则接受了使用成像机器的培训, 对大多数人来说,专注于特定的机器或程序是很典型的. Examples of specialty areas include mammography, radiation therapy, and bone densitometry. 不像那些专攻, 比如成为x光技师, radiology techs have a wider scope of practice and can operate numerous machines. 这在就业方面是有利的.


The use of medical imaging equipment can be complex and dangerous due to regular exposure to radiation. 除了安全有效地操作这些机器, radiology technicians must also have a high degree of empathy to properly care for patients who may be facing worrisome diagnoses. 为了满足这些条件, those who desire to learn how to become a radiology tech will need to follow a few key steps to prepare for this career path.


Individuals looking to enter the field seek out an associate degree or training program, which typically covers more foundational aspects of general science and health education while allowing a focus on radiology equipment. This educational path benefits aspiring radiology technicians who need a diversity of knowledge in areas such as technology, 病人护理, 和解剖学. 

这些十大正规赌博平台大全通常也会持续两年左右, allowing radiology techs to enter the workforce fairly quickly compared to earning a traditional four-year degree.


作为放射技师执业, a certification from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is required in some states. 要获得这一认证,必须通过考试和道德审查. The ARRT requires the certification be renewed every two years to ensure technicians remain up to date on the latest radiology equipment and procedures.

虽然这并不总是国家的要求, 许多雇主寻找有证书的候选人, reflecting that the prospective employee has attained and demonstrated a high standard of practice. For this reason, certification is often worth pursuing, even if it’s not an absolute requirement. 那些希望获得特定程序认证的人, 比如乳房x光检查, can also earn additional certifications to showcase their specialized expertise to employers. 除了这些认证,各州可能还要求执业执照.


Becoming a radiology tech requires skills to support their holistic approach to delivering technical expertise and 病人护理. 这里有一些技能,放射技术应该建立提供有效的护理.

  • 沟通. Explaining to patients how they will need to hold certain positions or movements for prolonged periods, 在手术前倾听他们的需求, 并通过提供舒适来适应他们, while also answering questions in a calming way can ease the patient’s concerns and expedite the process.
  • 解决问题. 设备可能需要根据患者的具体需要进行调整或矫正. 在保持准确性的同时快速修正航向是至关重要的. 
  • 组织技能. Results found by a radiology tech often require analysis from numerous professionals in a patient’s care team. Ensuring each patient file is properly organized and allocated to the right healthcare professionals is vital to ensure quick and proper treatments.
  • 医学和解剖学知识. 放射设备需要对病人的身体进行精确的瞄准和校准. Knowing the locations of specific bones and organs allows techs to adjust images in real time and investigate signs of something irregular.


根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), 放射技师的工作前景很好, 预计2022年至2032年的增长率为6%. 这高于美国经济增长5%的平均预期.S. 整个就业市场. 

劳工统计局表示,这种积极的就业预测是基于几个关键因素. 其中包括慢性病的增加, 破坏性的伤害, 从事故中跌落, 尤其是在这个国家的老龄化人口中. This places a higher need for diagnostic imaging procedures and the skilled radiology technicians who can operate them.


A career as a radiology technician can be a rewarding path that combines technical expertise with empathetic 病人护理. If becoming a radiology tech sounds like an enticing career choice, consider enrolling in the Fortis 放射技术专家计划. This program features courses on subjects such as radiation safety, image analysis, and 病人护理. It also prepares you for the opportunity to earn certifications after you graduate with your associate degree.

与基础类的组合, 小组十大正规赌博平台大全, 实践学习, 以及现实世界技能的发展, 富通可以帮助您获得全面的教育, 为你在放射技术领域的职业生涯迈出第一步做好准备.




美国肺脏协会, “New Report: Critically Low Lung Cancer Screening Rates Reveal Opportunity to Save More Lives”
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, ARRT Certification and Registration
U.S. 劳工统计局,放射学和核磁共振技术专家